
Gabrielle Giffords Launches Effort to Fight Gun Violence and the Pro-Gun Lobby

Slap1/08/2013 1:39:05 pm PST

re: #189 HappyWarrior

Just so it’s clear I brought up cars because it’s always said, “A car can kill people, should we get rid of cars?” A gun has a purpose and I just simply wish that more gun advocates would acknowledge that. When I see elected officials claiming that credit cards and ping pong balls are as or more dangerous. I see someone skirting the issue and frankly I get pissed seeing that.

HW, I’m not picking on you — yours was the most recent that touches on my take on guns vs. cars:

I’ve spent quite a lot of time driving all across the country. Lived in several traffic-clogged major cities and have driven through (and throughout) several others in my 55-plus years. In observing the behavior of my fellow citizen drivers and the choices they make and the lack of awareness they display — not to mention the anger and recklessness that’s evident constantly — I have come to the conclusion that I am utterly without faith in the “in the moment” judgment of most drivers.
Why would anybody think that these same people we share the roads with every day are going to somehow acquire rational and well-developed judgment skills when they have a gun in their hand?