
Video: Jon Stewart: How I Meteored Your Motherland

Rightwingconspirator2/20/2013 6:41:12 pm PST

re: #222 Majacita

I think that if she was justified in killing him then she was justified in trying to scare him. Our disagreement comes from my background in criminal defense. If she had a self defense defense to killing him then she had the same defense to firing to scare him. Her choices were kill him, let him beat her, or try to scare him away. But if they’d offered the sentence you would impose I would probably have recommended she take it.

That bold portion is an excellent point. I’m not a gun advocate really I’m a self defense advocate. People need to have room to defend as they best can. Since we rightly punish excess force so much, we need to also be fair to those who try to use less force and make a mistake. Well said Majacita. BTW how did you choose that nic?