
Video, March 2011: Donald Trump Exploits the Birther Conspiracy Theory on Fox News

William Lewis7/02/2016 8:04:31 am PDT

re: #218 Big Beautiful Door

How brave of them to come out against segregation in the year 2016./

Sunday morning (aka Christian church services) remains the most segregated time in America. Only with rare occasions (Grace Episcopal in Madison is fairly diverse by church standards but still was mostly white when I was there.) churches are as closely divided by race and ethnicity as they are by denominational lines. Growing up there was a Norwegian Lutheran Church next door to a German Lutheran Church (the Swedish one was just down the block) and you’d better go to the right one. We were pretty homogeneous racially yet we still segregated ourselves. The Catholics in a way were worse with one church for most Immigrants and another for the Irish and another for the Germans…

(I’m reminded that we didn’t have enough blacks for the KKK to hate on them in the 20’s up here in northern Wisconsin so they abused the Catholics, especially Polish Catholics, instead.)

So if they follow up their mea culpa with actual repentance (ie turning the other way) and work to fight that segregation in all it’s forms? Well, then, yes it will be a big thing because they will be doing what the Christian message says they should be doing according to Galatians 3:28.