
Saudi Arabia Moves In

vxbush1/23/2009 7:24:16 pm PST

re: #205 UberInfidel67

Yes, it helps. I had one about 8 years ago and it was fine. My Mom who is 69 had one not too long ago and had the polyps. His being precancerous obviously shook him a bit because he called me and my other siblings to tell us to have one done. I copied what you typed in though and will ask him EXACTLY what the doctors said to him. Thank you very much. (Damn hard-headed impervious resistant bullet proof Marine that he is lol)

Of course, remind him that this is a lowly lizard who is NOT A DOCTOR and therefore if he has any concerns he should take them to his own doctor, whether he’s a Marine or not. That’s his best place to get info. If he’s not comfortable with that diagnosis or care plan, then he should get a second opinion from a gastroenterologist and not someone who knows a little bit because she read about it before and after her procedure.