
Thousands of Children Abused and Raped in Irish Catholic Reform Schools

Gus5/20/2009 4:25:56 pm PDT

From the Report

Female Witnesses

Physical, emotional and neglect: 226 or 59%
Physical, emotional, neglect and sexual: 123 or 32%
Physical and neglect: 20 or 5%
Physical and emotional: 8 or 2%
Physical: 3 or 1%
Physical, emotional and sexual: 2 or 1%
Physical and sexual: 1 or (0)
Total reports: 383 (100%)

Male Witnesses

Physical, emotional, neglect and sexual: 166 or 35%
Physical, emotional and neglect: 120 or 25%
Physical and neglect: 66 or 14%
Physical, neglect and sexual49 or 10%
Physical: 24 or 5%
Physical, emotional and sexual: 20 or 4%
Physical and emotional: 15 or 3%
Physical and sexual: 14 or 3%
Total reports: 474 (100%)

From the concluding comments:

19.08 Sexual abuse was reported by more than half of all the witnesses. Acute and chronic contact and non-contact sexual abuse was reported, including vaginal and anal rape, molestation and voyeurism, in both isolated assaults and on a regular basis over long periods of time. The secret nature of sexual abuse was repeatedly emphasised as facilitating its occurrence. Both residential and day settings provided opportunities for perpetrators of sexual abuse to assault children in the absence of adequate supervision and through the failure of individuals and organisations to recognise potential risk to children.