
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

NJDhockeyfan6/20/2009 7:04:38 am PDT

Good morning lizards!

Here are the most recent twitter comments from IranAnon in Tehran:

haven't seen any now but they always even have ambulances ready for us! if u can take ppl with ur own cars #iranelection

Do NOT briiiiiing ur small childreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen people! PLZ! #iranelection

text messaging service is still not active. only in some cases, irancell to irancell #iranelection

Streets look like its a rally for the police! stay calm please, it will only work if we r millions #iranelection

police have asked shops at enghelab to close at 1 and go home #iranelection

call whoever u want b4 u leave cuz when u leave there will be no cellphone sommunication #iranelection

our hearts r beating 10times faster but we r getting ready to go, it seems that they have started and so far so good #iranelection

just heard news, its getting as crowded as the other day at enghelab! Great, wish us luck, i'm going, bye #iranelection

new news! close to azadi they are starting to beat ppl up #iranelection

large groups please, stick together, they cant beat millions of us up! #iranelection

they r starting to beat ppl up areound azadi, stick in large groups #iranelection

when going home is the best time for basij to attack, stick together on the way back #iranelection

Let basij get tired first then go after them! #iranelection


They didn't let ppl gather in one place there are 2 policemen for 1 person #iranelection

bastards are all over the city SO MANY OF THEM #iranelection

ppl crying everywhere from the scenes they have encountered #iranelection

injured ppl in ppl's houses all aching all over #iranelection

SO MANY INJURED son't know if dead or not, even women are beaten #iranelection

everyone is injured and frightened SO BAD, so frightened, so full of hatred #iranelection

God help them.