
So. Carolina GOP Converging with Tea Partiers

SanFranciscoZionist2/09/2010 3:47:58 pm PST

re: #212 windsagio

I think he’s trying to say its hypocritical that people are pro-gay, anti-polyamory.

The second part is kinda… gibberishy tho’

The funny thing about it is, the framing of the issue is largely because proponents think that gays are more acceptable than poyamorists, and so they’re trying to take small steps to defuse criticism.

Of course this doesn’t work at all, mainly because the whole issue is a huge dogwhistle to people who get the ‘icks’ from any other sexuality.

If you can claim that there’s nothing wrong with wanting keep ‘traditional’ marriage for a man and a woman and that’s not at ALL discriminatory, I hardly see why I couldn’t say that I was in favor of any two people choosing one another in love, but opposed polyamory on the principle that traditional Western marriage involved two partners. But that would just be me being difficult.

However, in point of fact, I am fine with polyamory, although I have to admit that the gay couples I know are more functional than the polyamorous groups I know, which has certainly colored my perception of the two ‘lifestyles’. I would, however, never presume to tell people who they could live with on the grounds that I thought some friends of mine were annoying with their drama.

As to legalizing plural marriages, there’s worlds of complexity there beyond the same-sex marriage issue.