
The Proudly Ignorant Party

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/07/2010 2:29:45 pm PDT

re: #187 cgn38navy

The truth is: The North has been distorting the war for the last hundred years. The winners write the books, right? In order to justify the raping, pillaging, violations of property rights, carpetbagging, that took place in the 40 years following the war, they demon-ized the average southern white citizen. F_U Neil Young! Anyone, especially the so called intelligentsia that post on this blog should be aware there was a whole lot more to the war than slavery, and the complex and highly debated issues that led to the secessions.

OK let’s look at this honestly and remind you of some history.

The South practiced not just slavery, but chattel slavery. People were literally bred and sold as animals and reduced to that state. In order to reinforce and justify that system, white Southerners indoctrinated their children and themselves that black people actually were like animals.

You want to talk about rape? How dare you mention that while ignoring slavery?

Seriously. That is sickening. Look into the regular violation of black women at the hands of their masters.

You want to talk about carpet baggers? Why were carpet baggers bad? Because they threatened the chattel slave economy. Whining about how they robbed from you, the profits you extracted from the toil and degradations of slaves is like ex nazis whining that the Swiss won’t give them the gold in those deposit boxes either.


You want to talk about Union abuses during the war?

OK one word.

In short fuck you and your ignorance. Fuck your blind defense of racism, your callow revisionism and your insensitivity to the people who were actually wronged - the slaves. Fuck your blindness and fuck you sideways in general.