
Ben Folds/Nick Hornby: From Above

NJDhockeyfan12/08/2010 8:35:02 am PST


Arrest made in plot to blow up area military recruiting center

Authorities say an individual has been arrested in the Baltimore area for plotting to blow up a military recruitment center.

Marcia Murphy, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Baltimore, confirms to the Associated Press that an arrest has been made and says the individual will appear in court Wednesday afternoon. Murphy did not provide any further details. An FBI spokesman also confirmed the arrest.

An official who was briefed on the arrest told AP on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information that the person was given a phony bomb and was arrested after trying to detonate it. The official says the suspect’s goal was to blow up a military recruitment center. The official says the individual is a United States citizen and that the plot was carried out in Baltimore County.

Who the fuck would want to blow up a military recruiting center?