
Massive Right Wing Fail of the Day: The Twitter Gulag

Birth Control Works4/30/2012 10:33:51 pm PDT

re: #216 Lidane

That’s actually very true. The last 20 years have brought tremendous change, starting with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then came the internet (and specifically, browsers such as Netscape and AOL) which completely changed the way that we communicate with each other and the way that literally everything is done these days.

In a very real sense, the world that existed when Reagan was POTUS is gone and it will never return. We’ve simply moved too far, too fast. They can’t handle it because all their assumptions and the rules they used to live by no longer apply. And now, in what they see as the ultimate insult, we’ve got a black man with an African name as President. They just can’t accept it or adapt at all.

I have a list, which I saved to my favorites and can never find when I need it.

Things most people never dreamed of happening, much less in their lifetimes:

1-We lost Pluto
2-The earth shifted on it’s axis with the Tsunami or Chilean Earthquake (I can never remember which)
3-We lost a few nano-seconds from our day due to above extreme weather
4-We now have like 7B people on the Planet.
5-Instant Global Communication and Financial Transactions
6-No more LONG DISTANCE phone calls.
9-Black Man in the White House
11-openly LGBT individuals
12-Lady Gaga
13-The Internet

It’s enough to make anyone a bit nostalgic for a mythical Utopian past. Not so much any one of these things (except the Spock bit) but ALL OF THEM together in such a short amount of time.