
Video: Donald Trump Accuses US Soldiers of Looting Iraq, And It Isn't the First Time

The Ghost of a Flea6/14/2016 10:20:25 pm PDT

re: #221 Shimshon

Yes but you see, the founders wanted the people to be armed so they could overthrow the government. Even though the founders also put in a passage about the President having the authority to call up the “militia” to put down domestic rebellions.

I try not to think too much when reading what right wingers post online, it really hurts my head. Every big site now from Fark to reddit and everything in between has turned into Free Republic/Stormfront/4chan. I hope this nice place stays free from that insanity.

One day an AI is going to come online, scan over the contents of the Internet, and make some assessments.

And then either we all die or there’s going to be some extremely weird sex.