
Seth Meyers: Republicans Pretend They Haven't Seen Trump's Racist Tweets [VIDEO]

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·7/18/2019 9:35:53 am PDT

re: #121 The Pie Overlord!

Here is a thread about why Trumporrhoid Evangelical anti-Semites are so obsessed with calling other people ā€œanti-Semitesā€

Thatā€™s a very good summary, Ms. Babushka (I donā€™t care what Twitter calls you, unless you prefer Pie Overlord now, then Iā€™ll call you Ms. Overlord because I respect your nouns).

I would add one thing though.

Re-posting this tweet from Rabbi Ruttenberg you put up (thread, twelve tweets):

As far as Iā€™m aware, there is no branch of Judaism which wishes me dead because of my lack of faith in any god. I imagine some Jews might chose not to associate with me, but thatā€™s fine if thatā€™s what they choose to do. No branch of Judaism is trying to take away my rights (or anyone elseā€™s) in the USA as far as I am aware, because of the very long history and experience of Jews having that done to them.

That is not true of Christianity. While individual Christians may call out Evangelicals, no church organisation does. The United Methodists or Episcopalians or Roman Catholics or whatnot as organisations all remain silent on hate preachers who would take other peopleā€™s rights or exploit Jews or others for their theological claims.

There are plenty of mainstream Christians who would call me an anti-Semite if I voiced the opinion ā€œI donā€™t support some people in the Israeli governmentā€ (which they would equate with ā€œI hate Jewsā€).

Muslims in this country for the overwhelming majority also wouldnā€™t have an issue with me. There are countries where I would be arrested (and in Saudi Arabia, considered a terrorist worthy of the death penalty re: their new anti-terrorism law).

As someone else noted, ā€œhow dare you cherry-pick Bible verses to counter my cherry-picked Bible verses.ā€ There are far too many Bible verses which say what should be done about people like me.

I havenā€™t met many Jews in person outside the military, but I donā€™t recall any of them coming to my house on Friday before Shabbat pounding on my door asking me to convert, or threatening me with eternal hell if I donā€™t (regardless of how ā€œhellā€ is defined).