
Rodrigo Y Gabriela: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Dr. Matt5/01/2020 8:25:45 am PDT

Full Disclosure: An Interview with Noel Casler
The former “Celebrity Apprentice” talent handler on what he saw behind the scenes.

NC: Trump gets off on using racist terms, especially if there are people around who happen to be of that particular minority. He seems to hate Puerto Ricans the most. I will leave it at that, but his policies after Hurricane Maria came of no surprise to me. He is basically trying to kill them, in my opinion.

NC: It matters because his incontinence stems from his decades of stimulant abuse and fast food diet. He pretends he’s the model of physical health, when instead his bodily functions are being dictated by his drug addiction—and he tries to cover it up. So it’s evidence of his incompetence, and one of the main reasons for the NDAs. The crew nicknamed CA “The Shitshow,” because he would soil himself during tapings, often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept. Because he couldn’t read a three-syllable word.

Take it with a grain of salt….