
Mickey Guyton: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Targetpractice11/10/2020 3:20:56 am PST

There’s a very real “shit or get off the pot” moment coming for the Repubs and it’s coming sooner rather than later. Eventually the unwashed masses that are the MAGAt coalition are going to get tired of losing in court, get tired of talk about “investigations” and “recounts,” and they’re going to demand that Repubs in those states that Trump lost do more than just talk in front of the cameras. They’re going to demand that state legislatures/bureaucrats try to invalidate vote counts, they’re going to demand that those “responsible” be arrested, and they’re going to (more than anything) demand that the election results be changed in Trump’s favor.

And that’s why I say all this isn’t sustainable up til the Georgia run-offs, because eventually the natives are going to get restless and they’re not going to “let the courts decide.” All the talk about the lack of violence ignores the reality that the assholes who’ve been threatening violence still think the election is going on and the results can still be changed. Why? Because every sack of protoplasm with an (R) next to their names has been telling them for 4 years now that Trump will win and if he doesn’t then it’s due to “fraud.” The party’s backed themselves into a corner here, they can’t give up on Trump without a better excuse than “the courts have spoken.”