
Seth Meyers: Mitch McConnell Shamelessly Says "The Era of Bipartisanship Is Over"

Dangerman6/11/2021 8:40:27 am PDT

drip drip drip, maybe

“Kurt Volker, Trump’s Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, appears to have lied under oath when testifying at the first impeachment trial of the former president that he didn’t know that the president wanted Ukraine to look into unfounded allegations against Joe Biden.”

“This week, CNN released recordings of Rudy Giuliani and Volker speaking to a top Ukrainian aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky. The recording revealed Giuliani pressing Ukraine to announce the investigation against Biden and claim that Ukraine was behind the 2016 election hack. Volker was on the call, making it clear that he was well aware of what Giuliani and Trump were working to do.”

“At no time was I aware of or knowingly took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden. As you know from the extensive real-time documentation I have provided, Vice President Biden was not a topic of our discussions,” he told Congress.” ……