
John Mayer: "Wild Blue"

Nojay UK8/23/2021 7:18:43 am PDT

re: #217 Dangerman

Which can only be said by someone who has no idea how vaccines, or especially this vaccine, work

That makes up 90%-plus of the population. Viruses are weird to begin with and it’s difficult for most folks to comprehend how something that isn’t considered alive in scientific terms can replicate and be so dangerous. Size is another thing — bacteria are gigantic complete living organisms, most viruses are tiny so filtration systems that work on bacteria are mostly ineffective against viruses. And so on.

Ignorance is understandable, even expected. The unwillingness to listen to advice and instruction from those who have actually bent their brains around the realities of viruses, their spread, replication, effects on the human body etc. is another matter. “You’re not the boss of me!” is more of a problem than ignorance about viruses and disease.