
Seth Meyers: Trump Distances Himself From Sidney Powell Amid Another Surprise Guilty Plea in GA

No Malarkey!10/24/2023 7:02:18 am PDT

re: #220 lawhawk

Ah, why is it that I hear NIN’s March of the Pigs when I hear all Trump lawyers rushing to prosecutors to take deals to avoid prison?

Oh, that’s right - because they’re rushing to avoid prison and have to name names to avoid the full consequences of their criminal conduct.

Trump’s level of fuckedness keeps growing.

I put him now at sincerely fucked. That’s up from surely fucked.

Remember when people were saying Fulton County’s case was an unworkable mess because there were too many defendants to try at once? By the time the trial date for Trump arrives, there will be few, if any co-defendants left standing by his side.