
Hillary Throws Human Rights Under the Bus

MJBrutus2/21/2009 1:13:10 pm PST

That’s right. We’re too busy dealing with all the crises we’re facing! We have a security crisis, after all (who knew?). The earth is on fire, the earth is on fire! We have to stop the earth from burning from the global warming crisis!

If we run out of those crises, we’ll have to invent some more just so everyone knows that we can’t do squat about our future, because we have to deal with all the crises we have today!

Oh thank goodness we have such smart, competent people in office to save us from this crisis and that crisis and the other crisis.

Crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, Crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis, …