
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

pre-Boomer Marine brat5/05/2009 3:43:58 pm PDT

re: #219 Afton

I’m sorry but this letter is crap.

Republicans have lost elections in 2006 and 2008 because they have NOT:

stood for the Constitution, the rule of law, national defense, free enterprise, limited government, low taxes, balanced budgets, and individual rights.

Who in their right mind thinks that the Dems won in 2008 because they were pro choice and the Repubs were pro life?! Who with any common sense thinks Barack Obama got elected because he rejected religion in this country?

The Republicans have lost because they’ve SPENT LIKE DEMS, they’ve GROWN THE GOVERNMENT and they’ve laid down and let the Left walk all over them on Immigration, National Defense and Taxation.

This “letter” is a joke.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you here, but … “excuse me, do you understand that the letter’s saying what you’re saying?”