
Friday Night Blues: Joe Bonamassa, 'Stop'

Velvet Elvis10/02/2009 9:16:00 pm PDT

re: #203 The Shadow Do

Dear C. Moonbat, your Left Loons are not better that the Right Loons. Why would you want to try to make this argument? Idiots are idiots and come in all Koolaid flavors.
/partisanship is getting really, really tiring.

I never claimed they were. I just objected to the way KT was using stances only held by the fringe to exemplify the entirety of the left in general.

I’ll restate it. The majority of the left did not want the US to “lose” in Iraq. That’s just hogwash. They wanted to minimize troop losses by ending what they saw as an unjust war as soon as possible. I think a lot of it hinges around if you saw the was as legitimate or not too. If it’s an illegitimate war, you can’t win or lose it. I supported our continued presence because I thought the humanitarian cost would be greater if we left than if we stayed.