
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Walter L. Newton10/20/2009 8:47:50 pm PDT

re: #224 pdc_lgf

Am I a thread-killer? Or do I just get into the mix too late? Something else?

By the way: what’s a sock-puppet in the context of this forum? I’m new here, and I don’t understand the jargon.

If you have registered twice or more times, under different accounts and names. Charles does not like that, and he has tools that searches the logs and if he finds two accounts with the same IP address (or piping though proxy servers) he will delete all of your accounts.

Unless you have another family member who also has an account on LGF and you are all using a wireless network of working off the same router. (like I do)

In that case, Charles likes you to email him and let him know that there are more than one LGF user in the house.