
Radical Imam Killed in Dearborn Raid

SixDegrees10/29/2009 10:58:14 am PDT

re: #215 The Sanity Inspector

I dunno. For Europeans like Rand, the dark cloud of tyranny is forever descending upon America. But, in real life, it only ever touches ground in the Old Country. Detroit will find a way back, somehow.

Not back. Detroit is never going to return to what it once was.

It may very well remake itself into something new. But those who perennially tout a “rebirth” are full of it.

For examples of successes, however, Cleveland leaps to mind. So does Pittsburgh. Both are still rough around the edges, but they’ve hauled themselves up tremendously over the last few years. So we know it’s possible.

Flushing the entire City Council down the toilet and replacing them with people who can read above a third grade level would be an excellent start.