
Super Bowl Sunday Night Open

jamesfirecat2/07/2010 8:07:18 pm PST

re: #217 TampaKnight

It was a safety mechanism put in place to aid people who were completely wiped out in the Depression- now, we can argue the merit of this government expansion under FDR…but that was the purpose.

It wasn’t meant to be a perpetual entitlement.

Okay then that’s a perfectly reasonable point of view.

As a 21 year old I don’t especially feel the need for social security.

But then I suppose because I’m reasonably healthy (for a guy whose diet consist of 1/3 to 1/2 pizza) I don’t feel a burning need for a public option.

I guess that’s sort of the difference between democrats and Republicans.

The Democrat Says “I don’t need this right now but I might later on so lets hang onto it…”

And the Republican says “I don’t need this now so lets get rid of it”

Neither point of view is a perfect course for government, since the former can lead to us picking up one government program after another like packrats, while the later can lead to stuff like White Christians who tend not to see the need for hate crime laws….