
Anti-AGW 'Expert' in UK Parliament Inquiry: Another Energy Industry Shill

Walter L. Newton3/06/2010 4:09:22 pm PST

re: #212 Thanos

No, they really don’t. Plant is plant, construction is construction, and they’ll build nuke plant as well as they build Oil or Coal plant.

Well, we will just have to disagree. If they were to suddenly loose their oil and gas construction (and management) projects, it would be a large hit on their over all bottom line.

Come on Thanos, if you really worked for them, or one of their divisions, you know well enough that they don’t just “build” things. They manage plants, R&D for the oil and gas industry, coal mining and so on and so on.

Nice little fairy tale expecting anyone to think that Betchel is not in bed with big oil, and big government.