
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Dark_Falcon9/21/2010 6:28:41 pm PDT

re: #221 Obdicut

No, Dark. You cannot say that voting to allow a vote is the same thing as voting for the bill. I have no idea how the GOP has managed to get this meme to stick so much. Especially since they were enraged by this very concept not so long ago.

This makes me very sad.

I am in favor of bills that aren’t allowed to be amended out of committee in the first place. I hate the whole amendment process. It leads to more waste, and more neutered bills, than anything else. A bill on child labor suddenly has five thousand other aspects to it.

The fillibuster was not meant to be used on every bill. You are saying that it was. This is wrong. It is not what the founders intended, and it does not work.

The Dems fillibustered too. It’s a Senate minority meme, and its the way it is. That’s how the Senate chooses to do business, and I don’t see it changing.