
Assange Arrest Imminent

SanFranciscoZionist12/02/2010 8:34:52 pm PST

re: #209 prairiefire

Regarding Sarah’s irresponsibility when she made a long plane trip after her water broke. Why did she do that? Was she freaking out? Was she trying to stay in control of things? The worst thought that crosses my mind was that she knew his development was compromised because of Down syndrome and she did not give the infant as much regard as a healthy one.
I find that last one too ugly, so I’ve decided against it.

She may have been freaking out, she may have wanted her own doctor. It’s an odd story, but…eh. My own speculation runs to the idea that it may have had something to do with their insurance situation. My understanding is that she’s eligible for tribal healthcare with her pregnancies, through Todd.