
Video: George Zimmerman's Friend Joe Oliver Grilled on 'The Last Word'

Birth Control Works3/28/2012 8:02:34 am PDT

re: #219 Daniel Ballard

Advice please?
I need to get chains or cables for my 2wd truck so I can brave light snow on mountain roads. As a SoCal native, I have no idea which kind to buy. Studded tires are not an option, no storage. When I went up last weekend, an inch of snow on the road & a storm held my full attention to say the least. I don’t mind slipping a bit here and there, but the cliffs of Hwy 2 over the mountains are unforgiving.

With chains, how bad can it get and be safe?

Make sure your tires are properly inflated for the lower temperatures!

Makes a world of difference.