
If Health Insurance Mandates Are Unconstitutional, Why Did the Founding Fathers Back Them?

Buck4/13/2012 1:37:08 pm PDT

re: #202 jamesfirecat

Buck please answer my question.

I’ve laid out a way that to me is perfectly constitutional and achieves the same effect as a mandate.

Do you agree it does as well or not?

I feel it is important to discuss because if the mandate is struck down my suggestion should be a good replacement, what are your thoughts?

First, I can’t answer if is “perfectly constitutional”. We will see soon when the Supremes deliver their answers. I think it would fail in the same place, raise taxes on everybody, unless they buy something… That question was tried. Is it a fine or a tax?

I guess you miss the part where anyone who wants to “raise taxes” will be tar and feathered in today’s environment. Raise taxes on everybody? Unless they buy something… This is exactly why the government keeps calling it a fine.