
Libertarian Kook Wayne Allyn Root Floats Another Wingnut Conspiracy Theory

Mattand8/07/2012 1:40:24 pm PDT

re: #223 thecommodore

This is yet another air raid siren that is little more intellectually than that deeply stupid and racist video Charles posted a few days ago, openly claiming that Obama and Eric Holder have an agenda against white people.

What the right wing has been telling us since Barack “Hussein” Obama came on the scene, is that he is both a dumb n*gger (see complaints about college transcripts, and suggestions he got into college and/or law school only because of affirmative action, and the old standby about being the “TelePrompter in Chief”) and a diabolical tyrant (see birthers, the “civilian national security force” and “Obama’s private 6,000 man army in the health care bill” [that was Andrew Napolitano’s brainchild], the stupider than stupid charge that the New Black Panthers were let off because they are black, among many other flights of idiocy) who will take away from white people what they’ve rightfully earned and give it to other n*ggers. Funny how someone can be both dumb and incompetent while also being diaboloical, but these same people believe he is both a Marxist and a Fascist, so there you go…

I’ll say again that an unemployment rate of 8.3% is all the conservative movement and GOP has going for it right now, because it is the only meaningful liability against Obama right now, and it’s still that high because the GOP has blocked every attempt the president has made to improve the economy - even doing things they agree with like giving small businesses a buttload of tax breaks and offering to give more. If unemployment were 1/2 of 1% lower right now, the GOP would be completely irrelevant, because fear and loathing is all they can offer now.

It really is. And it would be comical if it weren’t so dangerous.

Man. That rocked. Seriously. That’s the best take I’ve seen about conservatives in a while.