
Gohmert! - Judges Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Need 'Plumbing Lessons'

Ian G.1/16/2014 12:45:47 pm PST

re: #219 Mattand

Anecdotal, but based on the regular Fox viewers I know, it’s one big, noxious, sticky vat of Confirmation Bias. Roger Ailes is telling them that every prejudice they have is not only right, but they shouldn’t be ashamed of it.

Exactly. For example (and I think it was covered here back when it first appeared), there’s this crap:

This drivel isn’t intended to convince an atheist that God exists, it’s intended to keep the wingnuts comfortable that they’re right and the meanie atheists are wrong. Points 1 and 2 are almost onto something, while points 3, 4, and 5 are just pathetic.