
Chuck C. Johnson Is Confused by the Concept of Traveling Nurses

ObserverArt10/17/2014 6:11:04 am PDT

re: #187 Rev_Arthur_Belling

I’m all for piling on UpChuck, but maybe we could tone down the use of “ginger”? There’s enough stupid to criticize without using the derogatory term for redheads.

(Disclaimer: not a redhead, and have made “gingers have no souls” jokes before)

Thank You!

I have two red-headed brothers and the one with the bright red hair, light skin and many freckles has always felt slighted for being a red head. He always was the one blamed for everything, many times people never trusted him, looked at him as not being serious, etc. It is a huge sore point for him.

Chuck C. would be an idiot no matter what color his hair is. Because.

Hmm. I really wonder if they know that being a red head, male especially, can be as limiting as many skin colors in ways.

Oh yeah…Morning LGFers!