
An Awesome Duet: Julian Lage & Chris Thile, "Gardens"

Backwoods Sleuth2/26/2017 5:32:43 pm PST

re: #216 thedopefishlives

That’s the recommended approach, but it’s still yet another password, not true two-factor auth. The factors of authentication are:

1) Something you know,
2) Something you have,
3) Something you are.

Biometrics wind up actually falling in the category of 2) above, since most accessible biometrics are also things that can be taken from you (by force, if necessary). Nevertheless, wish-it-were-two-factor authentication obviously fails the above test, essentially providing multiple forms of factor 1.

the answers to all of my security questions anywhere have no relation to my personal life/history or even the topic of the security question.