
New From Seth Meyers: Trump's Deranged Post-Impeachment Press Conference [VIDEO]

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/07/2020 8:56:04 am PST

re: #222 #thegreatpoolpondconversion (dangerman)

i am completely not invested in this primary

my dream ticket is a D-D.

That’s it for me because I am confident that the primary process, such as it is, easily weeds out the totally not possible ones (and the fruitcakes)

I was more interested when we had more candidates that looked like America. I just think the process took out a lot of decent candidates with good messages. Castro was awesome on immigration. Beto showed that you could be honest about white privilege and be kind. It was a beautiful gesture when he took time off from his campaign to comfort the victims on both sides of the border after El Paso. Harris had some great ideas on dealing with maternal mortality. I just hate that it turned out this way and I really think part of the blame lies in the double standards that K talks about along with the primary calendar favoring white candidates.