
Seth Meyers: Hysterical Trump Faces Jail Time After Guilty Verdict, Fox News Predicts "Revolution"

JC16/04/2024 7:45:20 am PDT

re: #113 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

“Double haters”

what a great way to conflate a bloviating racist xenophobe rapist felon with an experienced politician with decades of public service and a certain amount of negative baggage accrued over those years.

Hate is too strong a take, but Biden has some head scratching positions like slow walking aid to Ukraine (finally 2+years into this mess, Ukraine was given permission to use some US weapons in Russian territory. Why the wait?), the lackluster pace of Trump prosecutions (yeah, independent DoJ, but Biden nominated the AG), and he is OLD.

Of course none of this should matter because he’s running against Trump.