
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

jroberson2/12/2009 1:49:15 pm PST

re: #22 leww37334

I’m trying to figure this out, the title was about conservatives who want to ban books. Maybe a little more accurate would be this guy wants to ban the Koran. But it appears we are no longer looking for accuracy.

Bingo. Accuracy has a price when you’re really looking to sell an agenda.

They banned Mein Kampf in German, didn’t they? At look at Germany now. Book burnings, state ordered murders, facism. Oh wait, all that occured BECAUSE of Mein Kampf, not because it was banned.

But you know, Johnson believes in the slippery slope: ban the Koran today, and you’re banning Edith Wharton tomorrow.

And I thought the slippery slope was just for leftists with BDS.