
Appeals Court Upholds Tobacco Racketeering Rulings

zombie5/24/2009 1:20:37 pm PDT

BTW, Charles, in relation to my report yesterday about the anti-Israel bus ads (thanks for the link), a commenter pointed out something I had forgotten — that Marla Bennett was a Study Abroad student from U.C. Berkeley to Hebrew University who was killed by a Palestinian terrorist on July 31, 2002. And the ad-alterers have the gall to act as if it is Hebrew University who is the villain, and the Palestinians as the heroes! Sickening.

Terrorist bombing at Hebrew University cafeteria
July 31, 2002

The victims:

- David (Diego) Ladowski, 29, of Jerusalem
- Levina Shapira, 53, of Jerusalem
- Marla Bennett, 24, of California (US)

Marla Bennett

July 31, 2002 - Marla Bennett, 24, of San Diego, California was one of nine people killed killed when a bomb exploded in the Frank Sinatra cafeteria on the Hebrew University Mt. Scopus campus.

Shortly after 13:30, while about 100 people were eating lunch, a bomb exploded in the Frank Sinatra cafeteria on the Hebrew University Mt. Scopus in Jerusalem. The explosive device was apparently planted inside the cafeteria, which was gutted by the explosion. Nine people were killed and 85 were injured. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Marla Bennett completed her B.A. in Political Science at Berkeley University in California in 2000. She was in the second year of a three-year master’s program in Judaic Studies at the Hebrew University and Pardes Institute, had been at the university to take a final exam in her sole Hebrew University class of the semester, Hebrew language, when she was killed.

It was this incident which caused the suspension of the program; after seven years of security improvements, the program was reinstated, and then the whiners champion the people who killed the students! The mind reels.