
Glenn Beck, Ron Paul, and the Truthers

sagehen9/05/2009 11:52:27 am PDT

re: #130 SpaceJesus

minorities were systematically forced by the state and society into the lowest possible rung on the economic ladder for generations. this created a cycle of poverty, low self-worth and disadvantage among minorities that persists today. while i would love to have perfect competition between americans for things in life, it is entirely unfair to want this kind of competition when millions of minority americans are forced to start out at a disadvantage in life because of the near permanent damage the state and society did to their parents and ancestors. affirmative action may not be a perfect solution, but it’s the only way to right the wrongs of the past.

You’re going about this all wrong.

Try it this way:

Nepotism provides opportunities to people whose parents and grandparents were achievers 50 years ago. Affirmative action provides similar opportunities to people whose parents and grandparents were legally prohibited from being achievers 50 years ago.

One still needs one’s own talents, skills and effort to make anything out of the opportunities provided by nepotism or affirmative action.