
Schaeffer: Subversives from Within

SixDegrees9/19/2009 1:13:11 pm PDT

re: #207 Chekote

Great clip Charles and the man is 100% right about the Left Behind Crowd. I used to post at another site and the owner of the blog actually posted that the reason the Flood happened was because people were manipulating DNA. She was trying to make the case again stem cell research. Being my sarcastic self, I said that I was not aware that microscopes were around at the time of Noah. The ignorance is unbelievable.

Well, then, you’re simply out of touch with True History. It says right in the Bible that Man was created in a state of perfection in the Garden of Eden - and then screwed up. It’s been one long, downhill slide during all of the 6000 years since then, with every passing day taking us farther and farther from our once perfect state. It shouldn’t surprise you that the ancients, being much closer to those original perfect humans, knew all about genetic engineering, stem cells, nuclear fusion, microscopes and the wretched evil of public schooling. It may seem astonishing to us today, but that’s only because we’ve fallen so much farther than they had.

/ [Do I really need this?]

You think I’m joking, but I’ve heard this argument before. It actually arose during the Middle Ages, and was a driving force behind the acceptance by the church of Aristotelian science - Aristotle, it was thought, had knowledge that was closer to perfection than contemporary, more corrupted mankind could ever hope to possess. Hence all the trouble when the Enlightenment got underway and Aristotle’s observations started crumbling.

What’s disturbing is that some still hold this attitude today, and will happily shut down their God-given brains and reasoning in favor of parroting such bilge.