
New Details on Kissinger and Operation Condor

researchok4/12/2010 1:59:35 pm PDT

re: #210 Obdicut

What about the other one I included in the same damn post, dude?

Wasn’t that part of the same issue?re: #216 wozzablog

Horowitz has form. he’s had to twist himself into pretzel like proportions on more than one occasion to justify something thats come out in his name.


Horowitz has addressed his critics.

In an article self-published on his FrontPageMag website, January 25, 2008, David Horowitz responded to what he claimed were outrageous and specious personal criticisms from the “progressive left”, asserting that this identified political group uses biased tactics for attack, while he claimed his own moral and rhetorical superiority when arguing against them. Horowitz wrote that the progressive left’s modus operandi when attacking himself, and conservatives in general were: “misrepresentation of facts, distortion of motives and general acts of character assassination are the preferred modes of progressive discourse, as any conservative who has acquired a public persona can attest.” He further stated that, ” raw material for this verbal malice is stored on data sites”, singling out the following websites as the primary repositories: SourceWatch, Media Matters for America and Media Transparency, and People for the American Way’s, Right Wing Watch

Further, Media Matters (like Frontpage) has a political agenda.

At this point, it’s a ‘he said, she said’.