
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

Kefirah4/22/2010 3:35:39 pm PDT

re: #146 elektramourns

now, that’s just nonsense. the bible has triggered all sorts of violence, and g-d has not been held accountable in a court of law. i looked at picasso’s “guernica” the other day, and boy - did that modern art drive me to madness!

that is a slippery slope down which our courts will not travel, and with good reason. if comedy central is censoring to protect their own, then that’s their look.out. on the one hand - good for a corporation to take its employees lives seriously. on the other - caving to threats from islamic organizations begets more threats by islamic organizations, because they see that it works.

all in all, a gordian knot of a situation.