
Wingnut Radio Host Berry On NY Mosque: 'I Hope Somebody Blows It Up'

researchok5/28/2010 3:11:29 pm PDT

re: #201 blueraven

None of these people have a mainstream news hour on television and a 3 hr daily radio show. They are the fringe and are treated as such.

Right. So when Ted Rall calls Condaleeza Rice a ‘House n*****’, that’s different.

So when Carl Rowan said “if you give Thomas a little flour on his face, you’d think you had [former Klansman] David Duke,” that’s OK because he didn’t have a TV show?

Willie Brown called Thomas not only “a shill for the most insidious form of racism, but also a man whose views are “legitimizing of the Ku Klux Klan”. Is that less offensive than Beck?

Sorry, but it’s all equally ugly to me- and all as offensive, no matter where it comes from.