
Open Thread with Crazy Cycling Video

Killgore Trout12/04/2010 8:37:54 pm PST

It’s a little late to start questioning the Birch Society but….
Conservatives question whether John Birch Society should be accepted as part of the Tea Party movement

Heritage Foundation fellow Lee Edwards, who authored “William F. Buckley, Jr.: The Maker of a Movement,” thinks the John Birch Society, which was forced out of the mainstream by Buckley as a result of several conspiracy theories, has no place at all in the Tea Party movement.

Though representatives from Tea Party Patriots and FreedomWorks did not return TheDC’s requests for comment on their perceptions of the John Birch Society, a Tea Party Express spokesman said it will take an “ally.”

“The Tea Party Express has always been laser-focused on just a few core issues: stop raising taxes, end the bailouts, defeat cap & trade, and reduce the size and scope of the federal government. Anyone who is focused on advancing those principles is a potential ally, regardless of the name of the political party or organization they might be a part of,” Levi Russell, a spokesman for the Tea Party Express, said in an e-mail to TheDC. “To the extent that the JBS is an advocate for our core ideals, they’re a welcome element of the tea party.”

Conservative new media publisher Andrew Breitbart said that, though he believes expanding the universe of voices, he’d consider publishing a Bircher only on a case-by-case basis, a slight improvement for the group that was banned from appearing in the National Review by Buckley.

“I believe in more voices rather than less,” Breitbart told TheDC. “I think the best ideas will win.”

But, Breitbart said, he doubts he’ll be working with Birchers in the near future.

“I don’t foresee there being any and John Birch Society mixer anytime soon, but if one were to occur, we’d call it the Goldschlager Standard,” Breitbart said in a phone interview.

Of course everybody ignore the elephant in the room. Glenn Beck. Conservatives accept the Birch Society whether they know it or not.