
Video: Boardwalk Empire's Unnoticed Computer Graphics

Birth Control Works1/01/2011 8:08:47 pm PST

re: #219

We have other neighbors who have chickens, who love to come dig up our yard.
I keep hoping the foxes will find them, but alas - no luck yet.

My husband and my neighbor actually feed the foxes. Hubby buys turkey wings and cooks them for the foxes. Then we sit and wait ‘til they come out.

The other day, we saw one in the neighbor’s yard (which is really a huge 4-acre piece of property, not like my yard). Anyhow, it saw us coming, so it got up, went behind some brush, and then when we passed up where it had been and looked back, it was sitting on top of a pile of something, watching us, all we could see was his face.

They’ve been a whole lot of fun to have around. And no one’s cats are going missing.

Not good to feed wild animals. They come to trust humans, and not all humans should be trusted.