
Video: Lawrence O'Donnell Debates Snowden With Steve Clemons and John Schindler

Franklin12/18/2013 8:27:49 am PST

File this under: Why the hell did I read the comments of a Breitbrat article

For some reason, I read the comments on the article: JON STEWART CHUCKLES OVER ‘KNOCKOUT GAMES,’ CLAIMS NOT A TREND

Bcrogan • 8 minutes ago
…they have a HISTORY of cops NOT reporting crime just to make it look like they have low crime numbers. They have been doing this since the 80s. He is the type of liberal that will deny the existence of hoards of roaming black teenagers - some groups as big as 500 or 1000 attacking white people in major urban areas, or public events…

Guest • 17 minutes ago
No wonder blacks love to knock Jews out, they ask for it.

rickb8 • 23 minutes ago −
I hope he gets to play it soon. I hope he’s one that loses it and his life. This guy is an asstard.

William O’Brien • 31 minutes ago −
well,lets see if he is laughing when a bunch of monkeys go out feet first with .45 acl. holes in their heads. their mommas can cry to him.