
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Deeper Into the Christie Scandal Timeline

Skip Intro1/10/2014 8:41:32 am PST

Meanwhile, the Party that controls the most worthless House in US history starts the new year with a bold plan:

House Republicans Targeting Obamacare Again

President Barack Obama’s health care law is back in Republicans’ legislative crosshairs as the GOP-led House weighs a bill that would impose new requirements on the administration.

Despite White House opposition, the House was expected to approve the measure on Friday as emboldened Republicans kick off an election-year challenge to the troubled 4-year-old law. The GOP’s laser-like focus on “Obamacare” reflects the party’s certainty that the law’s well-known problems will pay political dividends in November’s midterm contests.

Now this is something worth getting enraged about.