
The Incredibly Creepy James O'Keefe Clown Show Goes to Colorado

b.d.10/21/2014 6:05:45 am PDT

This is a good read that is certain to enrage what is left of the paranoid dudebro sect

It is emblematic of the cognitive dissonance that lies at the heart of not just Poitras’s movie, but also much of the reporting on Snowden’s leaks—where truth and fact has been consistently overwhelmed by propaganda and hyperbole.

There is no discussion in Citizenfour of the 11 days between Snowden’s arrival in Hong Kong and his checking into the Mira Hotel; of the three days he allegedly spent in the city’s Russian consulate; of his transit to Russia, his granting of asylum by Moscow and the full role of WikiLeaks in spiriting him out of the country; or the fact that Snowden handed over the operational details of ongoing NSA surveillance in China to the South China Morning Post