
Acoustic Beauty: Daniel Padim, "Flying With White Wings"

Joe Bacon ✅1/04/2021 9:29:19 am PST

re: #208 The Ghost of a Flea

People are attributing Lin Wood’s statements to delusion or schizophrenia, but what I get from reading him is…grandiosity and a deep enjoyment of the power he views himself as wielding. It is both enjoyable and useful to believe, and present to others, that ones enemies are beings of ultimate depravity. In this he is no different than Trump, or Trump’s followers, or the Republican cadre that ginned up WMDs in Iraq. And both are descendants of the cultural frame-job at the heart of European anti-Semitism: it’s not just the tropes that have filtered through, the function remains the same.

It’s like L Ron Hubbard, at any particular moment in his career it’s hard to discern where the line between bullshit and sincere belief is: the two are not poles because sufficient narcissism means that you can wander from one state to another and never acknowledge the shifts.

Oh I was SO TEMPTED to refer to that ass as L. Ron Wood