
Seth Meyers: After Second Impeachment, Trump Begins Moving Out of White House

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/15/2021 1:18:21 pm PST

re: #204 Dangerman

george floyd didnt get so much deference
(i realize the first sheriff was waiting for assistance)
once he arrived they should have thrown her to the floor right there

yes, i have lost my tolerance
no - not with the asinine stuff she was spouting - i couldnt care less about that

she was actually physically resisting - refusing to ‘obey’ with his hands on her

you treat her exactly like you treat a guy selling loosies
or the one shot 7 times in the back
or the ones shot in their own apartments doing absolutely nothing wrong

it’s programmed into the cops thinking

As for the anti-maskers, when they come in with another person recording, it’s wingnut performance art (or they think they’re getting some kind of evidence).

The people who prosecute these fools need to start coming down hard. I’m not big on things like over-policing, but such people are a danger to society; I’d argue their actions amount to violence.

Trespass. Violating a health order. Resisting arrest. Illegal parking in a handicap spot. Everything they can get her for (and towing her car to the impound lot would be a nice touch).