
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

zombie2/26/2009 6:26:30 pm PST

re: #195 Right Brain

Amazing photo! Even atheists like me start believing something must have started this.

More than that, it totally undermines your ridiculous assertion that just because we haven’t detected radio signals coming from some extraterrestrial civilization, that means that there necessarily must not be any extraterrestrial civilizations.

99.999+% of the stars and planets in the universe are in galaxies that are unimaginably far away from us. Even if they were pumping out radio waves at a furious pace, it would all quickly get drowned out by the billions of other stars in that particular galaxy, and then that particular galaxy’s radiation would have to be detected by us in the first place. And even if we detected it, descrambling the alien’s radio signal would be like try to hear a single mosquito’s buzz in the middle of a million nuclear explosions all at once — while standing a thousand miles away.