
Texas Creationist School Board Chairman Gets the Boot

Gus4/30/2009 10:56:35 pm PDT

re: #224 Catttt

That was not the root cause. That was the result. The root cause is the why of it, what pointed them in that direction.

While we can’t know how much they were swayed by attending Pastor Pete Peters’ anti-Semitic, anti-gay church, there is certainly a connection there. Maybe they were Nazi already and thus attracted to the church. Maybe the church strengthened their beliefs in Nazi principles and made them feel righteous in such violence. It certainly drew attention to the church, but I missed all that - had no idea about it - until now. I just remember reading of the white power identification of The Order.

Oh, that. Right, I see what you mean. You present a close approximation. Then you have to consider personality factors, environment, etc.